NCVS: National Center For voice and speech |
pava: Pan american vocology association |
Nats: national association of teachers of singing |
estill voice international |
amsat: american society for the alexander technique |
Asha: American speech language hearing associationasa: acoustical society of america |
vocalize u |
complete vocal institute |
the voice foundation |
vocology in practice |
mcclosky institute of voice |
Voice health institute |
vasta: Voice and speech trainers association |
ivtom: international voice teachers of mix |
airs: advancing interdisciplinary research in singing |
ceuvoz: centro de estudios para el uso de la voz |
nafme: national association for music educators |
acda:american choral directors association |
iva:institute for vocal advancement |
pama: performing arts medicine association |
the british voice association |
mtna: Music teachers national association |
evta: European voice teachers association |
pacific voice & speech foundation |
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If you see something that is yours that you feel is being used without proper permission, please let us know and we will gladly credit you or remove it. Thanks for your help!
If you see something that is yours that you feel is being used without proper permission, please let us know and we will gladly credit you or remove it. Thanks for your help!